About New Pebbles

'For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?'
Isaiah 43:19

Words are so important. Spoken words and written words.

Let's use them to build each other up instead of knocking each other down.

God used his words from Isaiah 43 to remind me that he is constantly working to make me new. He began a long time ago but he wanted me to realise that he's still doing new things all the time, a realisation that gave me a renewed sense of hope.

This blog site came about in response to this realisation, after a time of discouragement and difficulty. He wants us to share with each other the new things that he is doing in our lives. He wants us to encourage one another with our stories of renewal. ( there's a little more on the why of New Pebbles on blog post A Year of Blogging )

The Living Word teaches, encourages, inspires, corrects and comforts and as I find new words from God, collecting them like pebbles on a beach, some of them will make their way here, in the hope that the encouragement and comfort God has given me, he will give to you also. 

2 Corinthians 1:4

What a wonderful God we have - he is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why does he do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

So encourage each other to build each other up

1 John 3:11

for the message to us from the beginning has been that we should love one another

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