29 August 2016

Seasonal Fruit

The kitchen smells so good right now. The aroma of cinnamon, fruit and sugar coming from the oven makes me want to stick out my tongue just in case I can actually taste it.

Fresh, ripe plums straight from Val’s tree and into the oven to make a cake. A birthday cake but also an end of summer cake. A reminder that there are lovely, beautiful things to enjoy at the end of the summer holidays. I need the reminder.

My head is only slowly emerging from the summer sand, to accept the fact that it is very nearly September. I’m right at the end of the exhale and have no choice but to inhale deeply because a new season is just around the corner.

So instead of denial, instead of closing my eyes and waiting for the busyness, the routine, the have-to’s and the must-do’s to hit, I’m going to be thankful for the fruit of the season and to try and look forward to the new growing season. To not be so negative and embrace the fact, that every season has a beginning and an end. Every season has its own rhythm and special flavour.

So we’re having plum cake tonight, remembering that God makes good things grow in every season, that there is more to look forward to. There will be more fruit and cake of a different variety to enjoy and be thankful for because God grows fruit, lots of it.

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