24 January 2016

Heavy Basket or Easy Yoke

Hoisting the heavy shopping basket up onto the shelf at the end of the checkout, I stretched my arms, regretful of once again not having used a half-trolley instead. The man in front of me, most likely in his seventies, shuffled a few items forward on the conveyor belt and politely offered the little bit of space to make room for my groceries.

18 January 2016

A pebble heart

A 'pebble' found by a friend on Facebook over the weekend! 

Take courage and wait for the Lord this week.

12 January 2016

Moments of Hesitation

At the outset of a new year, change appears imposingly on the horizon. Like the floods created by the torrential January rains, it lies across your path and before you take another step forward, you hesitate.

2 January 2016

A Year of Words

‘Reading is a gift, but only if the words are taken into the soul – eaten, chewed, gnawed, received in unhurried delight.’  Eugene Peterson