26 October 2015

Speak the Word

'But God put this Word into the mouths of human beings so that it may be passed on to others. When people are deeply affected by the Word, they tell it to other people. God has willed that we should seek and find God's living Word in the testimony of other Christians, in the mouths of human beings, Therefore, Christians need other Christians who speak God's Word to them'

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together

I recently heard two women tell their stories. Two very different women, two very different stories, but both sharing their experience of having been deeply affected by the Word.

Maud Kells, a Northern Irish missionary of many years in the Congo, left us astounded and agape with incredulity as she stood clothed in the same, previously blood drenched dress she wore the night she was shot by a man in camouflage clothes and a mask. A humble woman of faith and tremendous courage, of prodigious practicality and with seemingly boundless stores of energy. Even having been through such a terrifying ordeal, Maud is confident that Jesus is her Good Shepherd.

Nancy Guthrie, a well published American author and speaker, broke everyone’s hearts with her story of loss, after the death of two children both born with a rare genetic disorder, while at the same time filling us with admiration at her strength and courage in being able to share what she has experienced of God throughout her suffering. Even while experiencing such profound grief, Nancy stands confidently under the sovereignty of God in submission and humility just as Job did.

Inspiring, challenging and encouraging stories. Their experiences have led them into the deep places of the soul where the Word embeds itself in the darkness and then reaches back out of them into the light towards others. These women have been deeply affected and so testify. We need them to tell us how there is hope and joy in the midst of deep-seated pain and fear. We are grateful to them and thankful for them.

We each have our story to tell. The trouble is though, perhaps we feel our story isn’t worth the retelling. We may say, ‘I’m no missionary’ or ‘I’m no public speaker’. We feel our story isn’t for a conference platform or a church pulpit but does that mean that God isn’t working in us and hasn’t put his Word into our mouths? No, I don’t believe it does and yet still we often shrink back and make comparisons with our sisters or brothers. I don’t think either Maud Kells or Nancy Guthrie would want anyone to walk away from hearing their story feeling inadequate or less in any way. What they’re doing is pointing us in the direction of God and when we also experience him in the unique context of our own lives, we’re all on the platform so to speak. Divine words in the mouths of ordinary human beings. Whether addressing hundreds of people, or having a conversation with just one person, we testify that God is good and God is love. No two stories are exactly the same and having been affected by the Word then surely we can all act on the words of Paul in Colossians 3:16,  

'Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives.'

If, as Bonhoeffer says, God wills us to seek and find his Word in the mouths of other Christians then let’s listen and let’s speak to each other. We need to hear each other’s stories. If we believe God is at work in our daily life then we need the stories of every day, ordinary living as well as the huge life changing events.

Life together is about service. We serve as voices. Loving voices encouraging, praying, giving as well as receiving, not our own words but God’s Living Word.

‘Here are some valuable clues about spiritually productive friendships. Encouragement, prayer and the ability both to give and receive enable us to serve one another effectively.’                                                                     (source unknown)

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