15 September 2015


It was a beautiful May morning and it was Thursday. For several months, Thursday mornings were special because I spent them with my friend M and on one particular morning the cherry tree outside her house was in full bloom. It's a mature tree that spreads its branches wide over the driveway, out over the lawn and gives the most magnificent display of nature in her late spring time glory. As I sat in the chair by the window looking out at the blossom I commented how lovely it was. M responded by saying that she was so pleased that I was there to see it. In another week's time, the flowers would be past their best and I would've missed it but we were able to spend the morning chatting by the window and appreciating the splendour of the cherry blossom together.

This is M all over. Her open heart loves to share beauty with those around her and I am privileged to be able to spend time in her company. She loves to delight in the beauty of God and to share that with others. There are moments of true joy in such friendship but as the blossom of the tree soon faded so do those moments and we are left with a cherished memory and an ache in our heart.  

God, the creator and source of all beauty is at work in each of us. He gives us eyes to see the natural beauty of the visible world and a heart to feel joy in the beauty of the invisible. Surely the most beautiful things of this life are those which cannot be held onto and kept. A stunning evening sunset is no more ours to keep than the day that passes with it into the west. It is God's to make, for his own purposes and for him to look upon and say it is good. Nor can we create the beauty of holiness within ourselves, just as we cannot force the new day to rise out of the eastern horizon.

The rainbow arcs across the sky and soon fades, profound wonder at the moment of birth is overtaken by the ordinary task of living, a moment of deep understanding and empathy between two people becomes a bookmark in the story of relationship. 

'All joy reminds. 
It is never a possession, always a desire
 for something longer ago or further away or still 'about to be'  
C.S Lewis, Surprised by Joy 

Following my time with M, after the spring blossom, Thursday mornings over the summer were spent in the company of another gentle sister in Christ. For a brief time there was beauty of an invisible nature. The beauty of honesty and truth, of affirmation and encouragement, of safety and acceptance. Yet the present becomes the past and we cannot remain in the moment however much we might wish to. Joy is bittersweet and transient but the ache of passing joy reminds us that we are on a 'path that leads to a beautiful life.' Psalm 16:11. The beauty of life is a gift to enjoy and to share that with others is also a gift but ultimately this present experience will always leave us with a sense of longing. A longing for the eternal life where beauty never fades. 

'All joy emphasizes our pilgrim status; 
always reminds, beckons, awakens desire. 
Our best havings are wantings' 
C.S Lewis, Letters of C.S Lewis 

for we are not yet in that 'perfectly beautiful holy place of Zion' Psalm 50:2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A beautiful piece of writing. Lessons and insight on everyday life that bring us to God. Keep writing. D